廣州光孝寺 Guangxiao Temple, Guangzhou, China


光孝寺坐落于广州市光孝路,是广州市四大丛林(光孝、六榕、海幢、华林寺)之一,是全国重点文物保护单位。该寺最初是南越王赵佗第三代子孙赵建德的 住宅,三国时吴国都尉虞翻被贬广州,住在此地,并在此扩建住宅讲学,虞翻死后,家人把住宅改为庙宇。东晋时期,西域名僧昙摩耶舍来广州传教时,在此建造大 雄宝殿。南宋绍兴二十一年(公元1151年)改名光孝寺。
光孝寺作为岭南第一间佛寺和岭南佛教的传播地,是佛教禅宗六祖慧能削发的地方,有过著名的“风幡论辩”。寺内至今保存的建筑、历史遗迹及文物主 要有:始建于东晋的大雄宝殿;南朝时达摩和尚在此开凿的洗钵泉;唐朝建造的瘗发塔和经石幢;南汉时的千佛铁塔;宋朝时期的六祖殿和伽蓝殿,以及碑刻、佛 像、诃子树和菩提树等佛家信物。


Guangxiao Temple
Guangxiao Temple, located on Guangxiao Road, Guangzhou, is one of the four famous temples in Guangdong Province (Guangxiao, Six Banyan, Haizhuang and Hualin) and a National Key Cultural Relic Protection Unit. The temple was initially built as the mansion for Zhao Jiande, the third-generation offspring of Nanyue King Zhao Tuo during the Western Han Dynasty (206BC - 24AD).  In the Three-Kingdoms Period, an official named Yu Fan was demoted and banished to the Far South. He lived in Guangxiao Temple and gave lectures in it. When Yu Fan died, his family transformed the mansion into a temple. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Tanmoyeshe, a monk from the western regions came to Guangzhou and built The Mahavira (Daxiong) Hall in the temple. In the 21st year of Shaoxin Reign of Southern Song Dynasty (1151 AD), it was named Guangxiao Temple.
Guangxiao Temple, the first Buddhist Temple and place for the spread of Buddhism in Lingnan area, is the place where Huineng, one of the six founders of Chinese Buddhism, had his head shaven and became a monk and where the famous "Wind or Flag Moving" debate took place.  The historical and cultural relics include: The Mahavira (Daxiong) Hall built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty; the Spring for Washing the Monk's Alms Bowl built by the Indian monk Damo in the Southern Song Dynasty; Yifa Pagoda and Dharani Pillar built in the Tang Dynasty; the East and West Iron
Towers built in the Southern Han Dynasty; Six Ancestral Hall and Samgharama Hall built in the Song Dynasty; as well as steles, figures of Buddha, Retz and Bohdi trees, things that are related to Buddhism.
Add: Guangxiao Lu
Postal Code: 510030
Contact: Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of Guangzhou
URL: www.mzzjw.gd.gov.cn

quote: www.gznews.gov.cn/node_148/node_231/2009/08/10/12498904082712.shtml


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