Six Degrees of Separation match the ZhouYI or i-ching (六度分隔與六爻之變)


小世界現象(又稱小世界效應)假設世界上所有互不相識的人只需要很少中間人就能建立起聯繫。六度分隔理論(Six Degrees of Separation)後來1967年哈佛大學的心理學教授斯坦利·米爾格拉姆(Stanley Milgram,1933年1984年)根據這概念做過一次連鎖信實驗,嘗試證明平均只需六個人就可以聯繫任何兩個互不相識的美國人。

Theory of Six degrees of separation

Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth. It was popularized by a play written by John Guare.

轉至維基 quote from:

Another source I found from internet look interested list as follows:

/Six Degrees of Separation

This was a small project that turned out to be more interesting than I thought it would. I picked six random 'things' and connected them to another six and then another six until it was a total of thirty-six. They all somehow connected in some way, and in the center I explain how they are connected.

quote from:

Another project about Six Degress of Separation by a Germany  social network


Six Degrees of Separation match the ZhouYi or  i-ching
As simple words, every peoples in the world had their network, every networks have their links to others networks but it cannot links up all, but we can use maximum 6 "steps" you can "almost" get though the whole networks.

That is match our Zhouyi (i-ching) 's teacher Mr.So taught us about the structure of the  hexagrams system.

The hexagrams

At the Zhou Yi world,  the system is represent to "Nature" that is as same as the "whole world" concept of "Six Degrees of Separation" . Zhou Yi system is talking about 3 main elements "change", "simple" & "rule". We got the "rule" of the development trend (change) that we just control the "simple" (the basic of the keys elements) that we can understand the whole picture of the "Nature". The keys point of the "basic" of Zhou Yi is "Yang & Yin".

The "Yang & Yin" symbol stacked 6 times became a hexagram symbol called Guo. That is a  special "sign" to represent of somethings, that is match the "small world" concept of Six Degrees of Separation.

If fact, MSN & Facebook connected most of the peoples in internet that is easy to meet  someone. We are easy to discover the Six Degrees of Separation , if we also can combine a chinese ancient wisdom that we can more understanding about Zhou Yi (i-ching) and more about the "Nature".



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