
Showing posts from September, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows New trailer 電影【哈利波特— 死神的聖物 】最新預告

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , the seventh and final adventure in the Harry Potter film series, is a much-anticipated motion picture event to be told in two full-length parts.  Part 1 begins as Harry, Ron and Hermione set out on their perilous mission to track down and destroy the secret to Voldemort's immortality and destruction--the Horcruxes. On their own, without the guidance of their professors or the protection of Professor Dumbledore, the three friends must now rely on one another more than ever. But there are Dark Forces in their midst that threaten to tear them apart. Meanwhile, the wizarding world has become a dangerous place for all enemies of the Dark Lord. The long-feared war has begun and Voldemort's Death Eaters seize control of the Ministry of Magic and even Hogwarts, terrorizing and arresting anyone who might oppose them. But the one prize they still seek is the one most valuable to Voldemort: Harry Potter. The Chosen One has become the hunted one as...

美味馬拉菜 What a tasted Malay food

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《精武風雲.陳真》 Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen 劇照: 出品人: 林建岳、王長田、任仲倫 監製: 劉偉強、陳嘉上 導演: 劉偉強 動作導演: 甄子丹 編劇: 張志成、陳嘉上 主演: 甄子丹 舒淇 黃秋生 黃渤 特別演出: 倉田保昭 制作: 寰亞電影 / 北京光線影業  / 上影寰亞電影(上海) 發行: 寰亞電影發行 片種: 武打,劇情 上映日期: 2010-09-23 香港上映 官方網站: imdb:  tt1456661 故事大綱: 一代武術宗師霍元甲大弟子陳真(甄子丹 飾)當年為報日本人毒殺師父之仇,獨闖虹口日本道場,擊潰東瀛武術高手,震驚上海後,他在「精武門」前凌空躍起,迎向列強子彈的一瞬,便人間蒸發,神秘失蹤…。 然而陳真並未死於槍下,他輾轉潛去歐洲戰場當華工,那時正值第一次世界大戰烽火正焰,他與眾華工弟兄們在槍林彈雨中,協助法軍對抗德軍,最後陳真的好弟兄慘遭犧牲,陳真猛然覺醒自己的戰場應是在中國! 闊別七年後,1925年的中國仍是戰亂不止,列國瓜分,日本更是蠢蠢欲動。陳真化名齊天元從歐洲戰場回到上海,以年輕實業家身份潛入當地情報集中地「卡薩布蘭加夜總會」,暗中探查黑白兩道最有勢力的上海大享劉爺(黃秋生 飾)與日軍之關係,而出身神秘的歌女交際花Ki Ki(舒淇 飾),亦借意親近齊天元,反探查其真正身份。 原來陳真是上海租界巡捕頭黃昊龍(黃渤 飾)秘密委派,專案對付力石猛(木幡龍 飾)為首的日軍恐怖暗殺團,力石猛就是當年在虹口道場被陳真打敗的力石剛之子,其殘虐殺害的對象除手無寸鐵的學者外,就連陳真在歐洲戰場出生入死的兄弟以及巡捕黃昊龍本人,也慘遭暗算。忍無可忍的陳真怒火重燃,誓言與日寇一決死戰。他單槍匹馬赴日本情報機關總部,就如當年獨闖虹口道場般,即使是九死一生,也要為國家的危難,灑下最後一滴熱血。 延伸資訊: 1995年 甄子丹在ATV亞洲電視《精武門》也...

阿爾柏仙奴電影中震撼人心的演說 Al Pacino's Speech from famous movie

Al Pacino's Speech at [Glengarry Glen Ross 拜金一族 (1992)] Baldwin's speech at [Glengarry Glen Ross  拜金一族  (1992)] Al Pacino's Speech at [ City Hall 立體謊言 (1996)] Al Pacino's Speech at [Any given sunday  (再戰星期天 (1999)】 Al Pacino's Speech at [Secent of a woman 女人香 (1992)]

Al Pacino Tango dance with a young and bright girl

Tango dance made us remember a unforgettable scene from a movie. Let us review it.  [Classic Movie Quotes] Scent Of A Woman (1992) Tango dance Scene Gabrielle Anwar with Al Pacino 最近身邊的人都談論探戈,自已對舞蹈一曉不通但令人回想起1992年的一部電影【女人香】其中一幕經典場面就是盲眼的阿爾柏仙奴與一位年青亮麗的女生跳起探戈舞。這位女孩成為片中的一個亮點,戲份並不多卻是重心所在。最近,記得有同讓效果的是【潛行凶間 INCEPTION (2010) 】中飾演夢境設計師 Ariadne 的 Ellen Page,那幕實驗式的場景構建並把城市對摺起來,顯示出她那種女性智慧的美,而【女人香】中的女生顯示了那種純潔的美,特顯了阿爾柏仙奴劇中的放浪不羈性格。 飾演【女人香】的女角 Gabrielle Anwar 現在已經是40歲。 2007 AFI 2007年,美國電影協會 AFI  頒發終身成就獎給 阿爾柏仙奴   Al Pacino時上台講話。 延伸閱讀: 片斷中的Tango 音樂悅耳 Carlos Gardel's Por Una Cabeza

好味上海菜 Famous Shanghai food restauant in Hong Kong

香干馬蘭頭 香干馬蘭頭 It is a very special Shanghai's styles appetizer called "Dou Gan - Malantou" ( dried bean curd mixed vegetable salad). Someone called it a beautiful name "Jade Tower".  特色小籠包   特色小籠包  Mini Steam Bun /  Steamed pork dumplings  台式酸辣湯 台式酸辣湯 Hot and sour soup 台式擔擔麵 台式擔擔麵   Dan Dan Noodle ( Noodles mixed in broad-bean and prok with spicy sauce ) 菜肉餛飩湯麵 菜肉餛飩湯麵   Vegetable and pork wonton noodle 蔥花蛋炒飯 蔥花蛋炒飯  Fried rice with eggs 白瓷茶壺 (無破損) 檯上的紅花? 答案是…… 排列整齊的牙簽座 迷你荔芋包  Steamed mashed taro bun 迷你荔芋包(內部) 見微之著,從細處看得出做食物的心思,讚!

Starbucks coffee "short" size

Starbucks Venti Size Starbucks menu only show 3 sizes , which is Tall , Grande, Venti .(中杯、大杯、特大杯) Actually, they also provide one more size coffee It is "Short" size in Hong Kong. Yesterday , I ordered a "short" size cappuccino at Starbucks at Tsimshatsui. They just place the "short" size cup with other size together, but customers is not easy to see they have 4 cup sizes. We only see 3 large sizes cup and the "short" size is behind them. Some friends told me that the short size is less milk and more coffee, that we can enjoy the coffee more. Bigger size is not good for taste coffee, it not like a soft drink, when you have a huge size coffee , it will be cool down and taste no good at the end moment. Every promotion is benefit to you ... outwardly; actually is them. Starbuck Venti Size with Short Size Every good stuffs is showing to you ... customer choice; actually treasure is still keep under their table. This is business. It...